W. Michael Nelson III PhD., ABPP, Xavier University, & A.J. Finch, Jr., PhD., ABPP, The Citadel, & Meredith N. Will, Ph.D., Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
This newest edition of the workbook provides five empirically-supported anger management strategies that can be employed by boys and girls, ages 7-12, to help them cope with a variety of anger-arousing situations. Whereas the original “Keeping Your Cool Workbook” relied heavily on sports-related situations, this new edition has a wider range of appeal, with new attention to developmental, gender, and diversity issues. The workbook addresses not only the anger issues typically experienced by boys, but also the social aggression that characterizes the anger often experienced by girls at that age. Attention is also paid to specific anger-arousing situations that may be experienced by minorities.
ISBN: 978-1-888805-56-7 (188 pages)